Student Solution


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Cjc 340 Final Exam_ Institutional Correction

Final Exam_ Institutional Correction

Q 1. Name, describe and give an example of three of the six needs for managing security in prisons. Which of the three you chose has the most influence on the prison environment? Support your claim2. What is the relationship between Cooper v. Pate (1964) and the Hands Off period of corrections? Describe changes made by the Cooper (1964), and its impact upon inmates and institutional corrections?3. What are the three most important issues facing institutional corrections today? How have administrators/legislators been working to improve these issues? Support your answer using resources we used in our course, and well as your own investigation during our time in class.

Q 4. What do you believe to be the three most important “protectors” from inmate manipulation? Explain their use and include an example.5. How does the correctional environment produce stress for correctional staff? What three types of stress reactions do we see within the correctional officer population? Describe. Name and describe one stress resolution method used to reduce officer stress in institutional corrections.

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For this question, I have selected need of skilled management, need of better technological implementation for better surveillance and need of enough capital. The first one is the skilled and experienced management, which means in order to establish a successful security management within a prison; the human resource department should hire expertise, who has acquired enough skills and previous experiences in the same field. One of the examples of such management is the need for team building expertise. While maintaining security for prisons, it is essential that managements share a proper and well-synchronized communication with each other and for that it is more than a necessity to have the strength of team building.